Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Parenting Tuesday: Pregnancy Fitness

Happy Tuesday!! I officially have less than 3 months until this baby joins us. Feels so close yet so, very, far. πŸ™ˆπŸ˜‚ This pregnancy has been very different in a lot of ways, but the two I want to talk about are fitness and eating. This time around, since after the first trimester, I’ve been counting macros and eating really clean. I’ve been eating a protein-heavy diet and working hard to incorporate tons of veggies. I have been so proud of myself for the many unhealthy cravings I have said no to and for the self control I’ve been able to have. It is SO hard when you’re pregnant! All I want are donuts, cookies, cereal and bread. And we all know none of those hold much nutritional value. I have also added in a regular weight lifting routine on top of my cardio. I feel stronger and can’t believe what my body can still do. I was marveling at how things have changed even since 6 years ago when pregnant with my first. I was told if you hadn’t been exercising, it was dangerous to start in pregnancy, and that lifting heavy weights can be dangerous. Oh how different that is now! One of the main ways I have stayed on track is accountability. I have been working with @shapebynat, she gave me workouts, recipe ideas, and a personalized macro count. Every time I want to give up, I remember that I have her in my corner and I remember why I bought her program in the first place! I highly recommend working with a coach, especially in pregnancy when it can be so easy to give up! 

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